Making Email Marketing a priority on your digital marketing strategy has the ability to drive more loyalty and customer engagement. Thanks to the wide array of tools that are accessible to us today, you have the power to improve your email conversion rate at a low cost.

Email Marketing is a major digital marketing channel that every business, association, and nonprofit should invest in. In 2021, 64% of small businesses use email marketing to reach their customers, according to Hubspot.

Right now, our inboxes are overcrowded and noisy. With more brands and businesses tapping into the email marketing vehicle, it can be tough to stand out and get people to open your emails, click your links, and take action.

What is the secret to improving email marketing conversion rates?

At a high level, one way to improve email marketing conversion is to write engaging copy that focuses on Entertaining, Inspiring, or Educating your audience.

Here are 5 Tips on how you can improve your email copy

Segment and Organize Your Email List

Email Marketers have experienced 760% increase in revenue by segmenting email campaigns. This means by dividing up your subscribers into smaller more targeted segments you can send emails to them based on different characteristics (purchase history, geographic location preferences, or how they engaged with previous emails etc).

With your email marketing strategy you can send relevant content and offers that cater to each audience group.

Predictive offers the email marketing solution that allows you to send segmented email campaigns directly in Salesforce.

Personalize The Content

Once your audience segments are created, you can send emails that are personalized emails with targeted content to exceed your consumers expectations and improve your ROI. One example of personalizing an email, would be to include the receiver’s First Name in the subject line or include a keyword in the subject line.

Here’s an example of a personalized subject lines:

  • Eat This Not That: “9 Disgusting Facts about Thanksgiving”
  • We’d love your feedback, Sarah!
  • Bob, Your #1 resource for Building a Solid Sales Team

Another idea for personalization is to incorporate email marketing into your CRM or centralized customer database. You can send relevant content and offers based on your recipients’ interactions with your brand on other channels.

Write An Eye-Catching Subject Line

You can create the best email content on the planet. However, your copy will not achieve the results you anticipate if your recipients never open your emails! Given 64% of email recipients will open an email based on the subject line. Email subject lines should engage curiosity in the recipients. Some ideas for adding personalization in the subject line are:

  • Add a relevant statistic
  • Add the recipient’s first name
  • Ask a question

Before you compose your next email copy, do your research on what will encourage your audience to open an email you send. By using urgency, psychology, curiosity, personalized content, you will begin to notice trends in what makes your subscribers engage with your emails.

Give Value

Simply sending an email to send an email is not enough. The purpose and intent of your email must align with the interests of your intended audience. You want to avoid overloading your message with industry jargon and fluff words. When your subscribers open your emails , you want them to feel like they are your focus, not your products what you are trying to sell.

When you have your subscribers segmented the value that you provide will be different based on the criteria of the segmentation. The purpose of your content should be either to educate, entertain, or inspire your audience and what you share should align with that.

Education is the number one to keep your audience engaged with your content. You should be shared on a consistent basis. When you are consistent your audience will anticipate your next message and will feel more encouraged to open your message

Don’t Forget The CTA

Last but not least, the Call to Action needs to be enticing enough for your audience to act. Your CTA needs to be clickable and it needs to stand out. Your CTA should be in alignment with the contents of your email. Use more action words and consider using a button. Some examples of an engaging CTA are :

  • Get The Discount
  • Reserve Your Spot
  • Yes, I Want One!

The goal of your email should be to encourage your audience to act in some way. Using the psychology of urgency or the “fear of missing out” in your content will improve your email marketing conversion rate.

For more information on how you can elevate your email marketing results and improve your email conversion rate in Salesforce, book a demo now with Predictive here.